Source code for jaxwt.conv_fwt_3d

"""Three-dimensional transformation support."""

# Created on Fri Aug 4 2023
# Copyright (c) 2023 Moritz Wolter
from functools import partial
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
import pywt

from .conv_fwt import _check_if_array, _get_filter_arrays
from .utils import (

[docs] def wavedec3( data: jnp.ndarray, wavelet: Union[pywt.Wavelet, str], mode: str = "symmetric", level: Optional[int] = None, axes: Tuple[int, int, int] = (-3, -2, -1), precision: str = "highest", ) -> List[Union[jnp.ndarray, Dict[str, jnp.ndarray]]]: """Compute the three-dimensional wavelet analysis transform on the last three \ dimensions of the input data array. Args: data (jnp.ndarray): Jax array containing the data to be transformed. A possible input shape would be [batch size, channels, height, width]. wavelet (Union[pywt.Wavelet, str]): A wavelet object or str for the transformation. mode (str): The desired padding mode. Choose reflect, symmetric or zero. Defaults to symmetric. level (int): The max level to be used, if not set as many levels as possible will be used. Defaults to None. axes (Tuple[int, int, int]): Compute the transform over these axes instead of the last three. Defaults to (-3, -2, -1). precision (str): For desired precision, choose "fastest", "high" or "highest". Defaults to "highest". Returns: list: A list with the lll coefficients and dictionaries with the filter order strings:: ("aad", "ada", "add", "daa", "dad", "dda", "ddd") as keys. With a for the low pass or approximation filter and d for the high-pass or detail filter. Raises: ValueError: If the input has less than three dimensions. ValueError: If the axes tuple does not have three elements or contains a repetition. Examples: >>> import pywt >>> import jaxwt as jwt >>> import jax >>> data = jax.random.uniform(jax.random.PRNGKey(42), >>> [3, 16, 16, 16]) >>> jwt.wavedec3(data, "haar", level=2) """ ds = None wavelet = _as_wavelet(wavelet) if tuple(axes) != (-3, -2, -1): if len(axes) != 3: raise ValueError("3d transforms work with three axes.") else: data = _swap_axes(data, list(axes)) if len(data.shape) == 3: data = jnp.expand_dims(data, 1) elif len(data.shape) >= 4: data, ds = _fold_axes(data, 3) data = jnp.expand_dims(data, 1) else: raise ValueError( "Wavedec3 needs at least \ three input dimensions to work." ) dec_lo, dec_hi, _, _ = _get_filter_arrays(wavelet, flip=True, dtype=data.dtype) dec_filt = _construct_3d_filt(lo=dec_lo, hi=dec_hi) if mode == "zero": # translate pywt to numpy. mode = "constant" if level is None: level = pywt.dwtn_max_level( [data.shape[-3], data.shape[-2], data.shape[-1]], pywt.Wavelet("MyWavelet", wavelet), ) result_list: List[Union[jnp.ndarray, Dict[str, jnp.ndarray]]] = [] res_lll = data for _ in range(level): if res_lll.ndim == 4: res_lll = jnp.expand_dims(res_lll, 1) res_lll = _fwt_pad3d(res_lll, len(wavelet), mode=mode) res = jax.lax.conv_general_dilated( lhs=res_lll, # lhs = NCHw image tensor rhs=dec_filt, # rhs = OIHw conv kernel tensor padding="VALID", window_strides=[2, 2, 2], dimension_numbers=("NCDHW", "OIDHW", "NCDHW"), precision=jax.lax.Precision(precision), ) res_lll, res_llh, res_lhl, res_lhh, res_hll, res_hlh, res_hhl, res_hhh = [ sr.squeeze(1) for sr in jnp.split(res, 8, 1) ] result_list.append( { "aad": res_llh, "ada": res_lhl, "add": res_lhh, "daa": res_hll, "dad": res_hlh, "dda": res_hhl, "ddd": res_hhh, } ) result_list.append(res_lll) result_list.reverse() if ds: f_unfold_axes3 = partial(_unfold_axes, ds=ds, keep_no=3) result_list = jax.tree_util.tree_map(f_unfold_axes3, result_list) if tuple(axes) != (-3, -2, -1): to_tree = partial(_undo_swap_axes, axes=axes) result_list = jax.tree_util.tree_map(to_tree, result_list) return result_list
[docs] def waverec3( coeffs: List[Union[jnp.ndarray, Dict[str, jnp.ndarray]]], wavelet: Union[pywt.Wavelet, str], axes: Tuple[int, int, int] = (-3, -2, -1), precision: str = "highest", ) -> jnp.ndarray: """Compute a three-dimensional synthesis wavelet transform. Use it to reconstruct the original input image from the wavelet coefficients. Args: coeffs (list): The input coefficients, typically the output of wavedec3. wavelet (Union[pywt.Wavelet, str]): The wavelet we want. axes (Tuple[int, int, int]): Transform these axes instead of the last three. Defaults to (-3, -2, -1). precision (str): For desired precision, choose "fastest", "high" or "highest". Defaults to "highest". Returns: jnp.ndarray: Reconstruction of the original input data array. For example of shape [batch, channels, height, width]. Raises: ValueError: If the axes list does not have three elements or contains a repetition. Example: >>> import pywt >>> import jaxwt as jwt >>> import jax >>> data = jax.random.uniform(jax.random.PRNGKey(42), >>> [3, 16, 16, 16]) >>> rec = jwt.waverec3(jwt.wavedec3(data, "haar", level=2), "haar") >>> jax.numpy.allclose(data, rec) """ wavelet = _as_wavelet(wavelet) if tuple(axes) != (-3, -2, -1): if len(axes) != 3: raise ValueError("3d transforms work with three axes.") else: _check_axes_argument(list(axes)) to_tree = partial(_swap_axes, axes=list(axes)) coeffs = jax.tree_util.tree_map(to_tree, coeffs) ds = None if _check_if_array(coeffs[0]).ndim > 4: ds = list(_check_if_array(coeffs[0]).shape) _fold_axes_keep3 = partial(_fold_axes, keep_no=3) _tree_fold = lambda array: _fold_axes_keep3(array)[0] # noqa: E731 coeffs = jax.tree_util.tree_map(_tree_fold, coeffs) _, _, rec_lo, rec_hi = _get_filter_arrays( wavelet, flip=True, dtype=_check_if_array(coeffs[0]).dtype ) filt_len = rec_lo.shape[-1] rec_filt = _construct_3d_filt(lo=rec_lo, hi=rec_hi) rec_filt = jnp.transpose(rec_filt, [1, 0, 2, 3, 4]) res_lll = jnp.expand_dims(_check_if_array(coeffs[0]), 1) coeff_dicts = coeffs[1:] for c_pos, coeff_dict in enumerate(coeffs[1:]): res_lll = jnp.concatenate( [ res_lll, jnp.expand_dims(coeff_dict["aad"], 1), jnp.expand_dims(coeff_dict["ada"], 1), jnp.expand_dims(coeff_dict["add"], 1), jnp.expand_dims(coeff_dict["daa"], 1), jnp.expand_dims(coeff_dict["dad"], 1), jnp.expand_dims(coeff_dict["dda"], 1), jnp.expand_dims(coeff_dict["ddd"], 1), ], 1, ) res_lll = jax.lax.conv_transpose( lhs=res_lll, rhs=rec_filt, padding="VALID", strides=[2, 2, 2], dimension_numbers=("NCDHW", "OIDHW", "NCDHW"), precision=jax.lax.Precision(precision), ) # remove the padding padl = (2 * filt_len - 3) // 2 padr = (2 * filt_len - 3) // 2 padt = (2 * filt_len - 3) // 2 padb = (2 * filt_len - 3) // 2 padfr = (2 * filt_len - 3) // 2 padba = (2 * filt_len - 3) // 2 if c_pos + 1 < len(coeff_dicts): padr, padl = _adjust_padding_at_reconstruction( res_lll.shape[-1], coeff_dicts[c_pos + 1]["aad"].shape[-1], padr, padl ) padb, padt = _adjust_padding_at_reconstruction( res_lll.shape[-2], coeff_dicts[c_pos + 1]["aad"].shape[-2], padb, padt ) padba, padfr = _adjust_padding_at_reconstruction( res_lll.shape[-3], coeff_dicts[c_pos + 1]["aad"].shape[-3], padba, padfr ) # print('padding', padt, padb, padl, padr) if padt > 0: res_lll = res_lll[..., padt:, :] if padb > 0: res_lll = res_lll[..., :-padb, :] if padl > 0: res_lll = res_lll[..., padl:] if padr > 0: res_lll = res_lll[..., :-padr] if padfr > 0: res_lll = res_lll[..., padfr:, :, :] if padba > 0: res_lll = res_lll[..., :-padba, :, :] res_lll = res_lll.squeeze(1) if ds: res_lll = _unfold_axes(res_lll, ds, 3) if axes != (-3, -2, -1): res_lll = _undo_swap_axes(res_lll, list(axes)) return res_lll
def _construct_3d_filt(lo: jnp.ndarray, hi: jnp.ndarray) -> jnp.ndarray: """Construct three-dimensional filters using outer products. Args: lo (jnp.ndarray): Low-pass input filter. hi (jnp.ndarray): High-pass input filter Returns: jnp.ndarray: Stacked 3d filters of dimension:: [8, 1, length, height, width]. The four filters are ordered ll, lh, hl, hh. """ dim_size = lo.shape[-1] size = [dim_size] * 3 lll = jnp.reshape(jnp.outer(lo, jnp.outer(lo, lo)), size) llh = jnp.reshape(jnp.outer(lo, jnp.outer(lo, hi)), size) lhl = jnp.reshape(jnp.outer(lo, jnp.outer(hi, lo)), size) lhh = jnp.reshape(jnp.outer(lo, jnp.outer(hi, hi)), size) hll = jnp.reshape(jnp.outer(hi, jnp.outer(lo, lo)), size) hlh = jnp.reshape(jnp.outer(hi, jnp.outer(lo, hi)), size) hhl = jnp.reshape(jnp.outer(hi, jnp.outer(hi, lo)), size) hhh = jnp.reshape(jnp.outer(hi, jnp.outer(hi, hi)), size) filt = jnp.stack([lll, llh, lhl, lhh, hll, hlh, hhl, hhh], 0) filt = jnp.expand_dims(filt, 1) return filt def _fwt_pad3d( data: jnp.ndarray, filt_len: int, mode: str = "symmetric" ) -> jnp.ndarray: padr = 0 padl = 0 padt = 0 padb = 0 padfr = 0 padba = 0 if filt_len > 2: # we pad half of the total requried padding on each side. padr += (2 * filt_len - 3) // 2 padl += (2 * filt_len - 3) // 2 padt += (2 * filt_len - 3) // 2 padb += (2 * filt_len - 3) // 2 padfr += (2 * filt_len - 3) // 2 padba += (2 * filt_len - 3) // 2 # pad to even singal length. if data.shape[-1] % 2 != 0: padr += 1 if data.shape[-2] % 2 != 0: padb += 1 if data.shape[-3] % 2 != 0: padba += 1 if mode == "zero": # translate pywt to numpy. mode = "constant" data = jnp.pad( data, ((0, 0), (0, 0), (padfr, padba), (padt, padb), (padl, padr)), mode ) return data