Source code for jaxwt.stationary_transform

"""Code for stationary wavelet transforms."""

# Created on Fri Aug 04 2023
# Copyright (c) 2023 Moritz Wolter

from typing import List, Optional, Union

import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
import pywt

from .conv_fwt import (
from .utils import _as_wavelet, _unfold_axes

[docs] def swt( data: jnp.ndarray, wavelet: Union[pywt.Wavelet, str], level: Optional[int] = None, axis: int = -1, precision: str = "highest", ) -> List[jnp.ndarray]: """Compute a multilevel 1d stationary wavelet transform. Args: data (jnp.ndarray): The input data of shape [batch_size, time]. This function assumes a trailing input dimension with a length divisible by two. wavelet (Union[Wavelet, str]): The wavelet to use. level (Optional[int], optional): The number of levels to compute axis (int): Compute the transform over this axis instead of the last one. Defaults to -1. precision (str): For the desired precision, choose "fastest", "high" or "highest". Defaults to "highest". Returns: List[jnp.ndarray]: A list containing the wavelet coefficients. The coefficients are in pywt order: [cA_n, cD_n, cD_n-1, …, cD2, cD1]. A denotes approximation and D detail coefficients. The ordering is identical to the ``wavedec`` function. Equivalent to pywt.swt with trim_approx=True. Raises: ValueError: If the axis argument is not an integer. Example: >>> import jax, jaxwt >>> import jax.numpy as jnp >>> signal = jax.random.randint( >>> jax.random.PRNGKey(42), [1, 10], 0, 9).astype(jnp.float32) >>> jaxwt.swt(signal, "haar", level=2) """ if axis != -1: if isinstance(axis, int): data = data.swapaxes(axis, -1) else: raise ValueError("swt transforms a single axis.") wavelet = _as_wavelet(wavelet) data, ds = _preprocess_array_dec1d(data) dec_lo, dec_hi, _, _ = _get_filter_arrays(wavelet, flip=True, dtype=data.dtype) filt_len = dec_lo.shape[-1] filt = jnp.stack([dec_lo, dec_hi], 0) if level is None: level = pywt.swt_max_level(data.shape[-1]) result_list = [] res_lo = data for current_level in range(level): dilation = 2**current_level padl, padr = dilation * (filt_len // 2 - 1), dilation * (filt_len // 2) res_lo = jnp.pad( res_lo, [(0, 0)] * (data.ndim - 1) + [(padl, padr)], mode="wrap" ) res = jax.lax.conv_general_dilated( lhs=res_lo, # lhs = NCH image tensor rhs=filt, # rhs = OIH conv kernel tensor padding=[(0, 0)], window_strides=[1], rhs_dilation=[dilation], dimension_numbers=("NCT", "OIT", "NCT"), precision=jax.lax.Precision(precision), ) res_lo, res_hi = jnp.split(res, 2, 1) # Trim_approx == False # result_list.append((res_lo.squeeze(1), res_hi.squeeze(1))) result_list.append(res_hi.squeeze(1)) result_list.append(res_lo.squeeze(1)) if ds: result_list = _postprocess_result_list_dec1d(result_list, ds) if axis != -1: swap = [] for coeff in result_list: swap.append(coeff.swapaxes(axis, -1)) result_list = swap return result_list[::-1]
def _conv_transpose_dedilate( conv_res: jnp.ndarray, rec_filt: jnp.ndarray, dilation: int, length: int, precision: Optional[str] = "highest", ) -> jnp.ndarray: """Undo the forward dilated convolution from the analysis transform. Args: conv_res (jnp.ndarray): The dilated coeffcients of shape [batch, 2, length]. rec_filt (jnp.ndarray): The reconstruction filter pair of shape [1, 2, filter_length]. dilation (int): The dilation factor. length (int): The signal length. precision (str): Defaults to "highest". Returns: jnp.ndarray: The convolution result. """ recs = [] to_conv_t_list = [ conv_res[..., fl : (fl + dilation * rec_filt.shape[-1]) : dilation] for fl in range(length) ] to_conv_t = jnp.concatenate(to_conv_t_list, 0) rec = jax.lax.conv_transpose( lhs=to_conv_t, rhs=rec_filt, padding=[(0, 0)], strides=[1], dimension_numbers=("NCH", "OIH", "NCH"), precision=jax.lax.Precision(precision), ) rec = rec / 2.0 recs = jnp.split(rec, len(to_conv_t_list)) return jnp.concatenate(recs, -1)
[docs] def iswt( coeffs: List[jnp.ndarray], wavelet: Union[pywt.Wavelet, str], axis: int = -1, precision: Optional[str] = "highest", ) -> jnp.ndarray: """Compute an inverse stationary wavelet transform. Args: coeffs (List[jnp.ndarray]): The coefficients as computed by the analysis code. wavelet (Union[pywt.Wavelet, str]): The wavelet used by the transform. axis (int): Transform this axis instead of the last one. Defaults to -1. precision (Optional[str]): Precision value for the underlying lax convolution code. Defaults to "highest". Raises: ValueError: If the axis argument is not an integer. Returns: jnp.ndarray: The reconstruction of the original signal. Example: >>> import jax, jaxwt >>> import jax.numpy as jnp >>> signal = jax.random.randint( jax.random.PRNGKey(42), [1, 10], 0, 9).astype(jnp.float32) >>> jaxwt.iswt(jaxwt.swt(signal, "haar", level=2), "haar") """ if axis != -1: swap = [] if isinstance(axis, int): for coeff in coeffs: swap.append(coeff.swapaxes(axis, -1)) coeffs = swap else: raise ValueError("iswt transforms a single axis only.") ds = None length = coeffs[0].shape[-1] if coeffs[0].ndim > 2: coeffs, ds = _preprocess_result_list_rec1d(coeffs) wavelet = _as_wavelet(wavelet) # unlike pytorch lax's transpose conv requires filter flips. _, _, rec_lo, rec_hi = _get_filter_arrays(wavelet, flip=True, dtype=coeffs[0].dtype) filt_len = rec_lo.shape[-1] rec_filt = jnp.stack([rec_lo, rec_hi], 1) res_lo = coeffs[0] for c_pos, res_hi in enumerate(coeffs[1:]): dilation = 2 ** (len(coeffs[1:]) - c_pos - 1) res_lo = jnp.stack([res_lo, res_hi], 1) padl, padr = dilation * (filt_len // 2), dilation * (filt_len // 2 - 1) res_lo = jnp.pad( res_lo, [(0, 0)] * (res_lo.ndim - 1) + [(padl, padr)], mode="wrap" ) res_lo = _conv_transpose_dedilate(res_lo, rec_filt, dilation, length, precision) res_lo = res_lo.squeeze(1) if ds: res_lo = _unfold_axes(res_lo, ds, 1) if axis != -1: res_lo = res_lo.swapaxes(axis, -1) return res_lo